Embassy Suites Downtown
Denver, CO
The CHARGE Research Steering Committee and local hosts Leslie Lange and Cheryl Ackert-Bicknell (University of Colorado) are pleased to provide details for the spring CHARGE Investigator Meeting at the Denver Embassy Suites Downtown Hotel.
The main Congress sessions and most working group meetings will take place Thursday and Friday, May 23 and 24. On Thursday evening, we will hold a poster reception shortly after the main congress session.
All of Us will hold a pre-conference scientific workshop on Wednesday, May 22 in the afternoon; it will be followed-up by a practical session on Friday afternoon, May 24 providing investigators an opportunity for hands-on application. Both sessions are open to all registered conference attendees.
Conference Highlights
wifi pw: charge24
May 22
All of Us Scientific Workshop
Insights from the NIH All of Us Research Program - A Comprehensive Journey through Emerging Scientific Findings, Cross-Cohort Analyses, and Genomic Discovery
1:00 to 5:00 pm.
Led by: Josh Denny, All of Us CEO
See below for details
Meet Up
Early evening informal offsite gathering, open to all attendees. No sign-up required.
May 23 & 24
Invited Congress Session Speakers
The main Congress sessions include talks from invited speakers and oral presentations from highly-rated abstract submissions. The sessions will take place Thursday afternoon and Friday morning, May 23 & 24.
See detailed Agenda below
May 23
Working Group Meetings
Polygenic Risk
Monet Multi-Omic Workshop
May 24
All of Us Hands-on Workshop
Genomic research in the All of Us Researcher Workbench
A 2.5 hour session delving into how to utilize genomic data within the All of Us Researcher Workbench. Attendees will be able to actively learn through presenter led hands on activities.
1:00 to 3:30 pm.
Led by: Mary Davis, PhD Associate Professor, Brigham Young University and Megan He, PhD Scientific Research Project Manager, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
See details below, including how to create a Researcher Workbench account.
Wednesday, May 22
Workshop: 1:00 - 5:00, Crystal Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Insights from the NIH All of Us Research Program - A Comprehensive Journey through Emerging Scientific Findings, Cross-Cohort Analyses, and Genomic Discovery
Convener: Josh Denny (All of Us Research, NIH)
Genomic and other data are broadly available in the cloud-based platform, the All of Us Researcher Workbench. Here, researchers have discovered >275M previously unreported genetic variants, identified from data shared by nearly 250,000 All of Us participants. This extensive dataset, enriched with non-European genetic ancestry, opens new avenues for understanding genetic influences on health. Join us to delve into the emerging scientific impact and cross-cohort analyses.
Overview of All of Us Josh Denny (All of Us Research, NIH)
BP PRS in All of Us Jacob Keaton (Denny Lab)
Clopidogrel & CYP2C19 Peter Sauer (Denny Lab)
T2D and OmicsPred PheWAS Henry Taylor (Collins lab)
Panel Q&A
Break (30 min)
APOL1 risk variants in All of Us Ariel Williams (Denny Lab)
Rare variants/PheRS Chenjie Zeng (Denny Lab)
Multiple Sclerosis Mary Davis (Brigham Young University)
Panel Q&A
Evening Social Activity: 6:15ish, Stout St Social, 1400 Stout St
Informal meet-up at Stout St. Social, next to the Embassy Suites. Open to all and no sign-up required. Meet in the lobby at 6:00 to walk over or meet us there
Thursday, May 23
Working Group Meetings 8:00 - 11:50
8:00- 8:50:
Lipids Crystal Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Hemostasis Crestone A (3rd Floor)
Neurology Crestone B (3rd Floor)
Polygenic Risk Crystal Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Monet Multi-Omic Workshop Crestone A (3rd Floor)
Neurology Crestone B (3rd Floor)
CHD/Athero Crystal Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Microbiome Crestone B (3rd Floor)
Gene-Lifestyle Crestone A (3rd Floor) 10:00 - 11:30
Proteomics Crystal Ballroom (3rd Floor)
11:30 – 1:00 Lunch Cripple Creek Ballroom (2nd Floor)
Congress Session Crystal Ballroom (3rd Floor)
1:00 – 1:05 Welcome Leslie Lange (University of Colorado Anschutz)
1:05 – 1:15 State of CHARGE Jennifer Huffman (Palo Alto Veterans Institute for Research / Harvard Medical School)
Session 1 Moderators: Chris Gignoux (University of Colorado Anschutz) and George Papanicolaou (NIH)
1:15 – 1:40 Genome of Europe project André Uitterlinden (Erasmus MC)
1:40 – 2:05 Updates from the TOPMed Multi-Omics Working Group Laura Raffield (University of North Carolina)
2:05 – 2:20 Cross-Population Comparison of Aptamer and Antibody Proteomics Measures Jayna Nicholas (University of North Carolina)
2:20 – 2:35 The Impact of Long-term Exposure to Air Pollution on Plasma Proteomic and Metabolomic Profiles in UK Biobank Daeeun Kim (UNC)
2:35 – 2:50 Constructing and Evaluating Omic Risk Scores for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease-Related Traits Iain Konigsberg (University of Colorado)
2:50 – 3:15 Refreshment Break 3rd Floor Foyer
Session 2 Moderators: Ronit Yarden (NHLBI) and Sridharan Raghavan (University of Colorado Anschutz)
3:15 – 3:40 Building infrastructure to assess the pathobiology of health disparities Gladys Maestre (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)
3:40 – 4:05 Challenges and opportunities working with aging phenotypes Kathryn Lunetta (Boston University)
4:05 - 4:20 RAB5C regulation of VWF secretion Paula Reventun (Johns Hopkins University)
4:20 - 4:35 Serum proteomics reveal APOE-dependent and independent protein signatures in Alzheimer's disease Valborg Gudmundsdottir (Icelandic Heart Assoc)
Poster Blitz Ringleader: Maggie Stanislawski (University of Colorado Anschutz)
4:35 – 5:00 One-minute oral abstract presentations
The drug development paradigm – an ecosystem primed for disruption through human genetics. Dipender Gill
Influence of Longitudinal Proteomic Trajectories on Cardiac Structure and Function in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study Madeline Gillman
Identifying common and rare variants associated with cardiac structure and function by whole genome sequencing Shinhye Chung
Platelet RNA-Seq Reveals Differentially Expressed Genes in Participants of the Framingham Heart Study with Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity Sara Yi
A Large-Scale Genome-Wide Meta-analysis of Gene-Smoking Interactions for Blood Pressure in 1 Million Individuals Identifies Multiple Novel Loci Mengyu Zhang
Utilizing sex-specific polygenic risk to prognosticate coronary artery disease in women Kaavya Paruchuri
Calibration of Polygenic Risk Scores in African Americans using Estimated Genetic Ancestry Luciana B. Vargas
Integrating PRS and ten-year atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk scores in REGARDS Mariah Meyer
Development and validation of a rank ordered educational variable in the Million Veterans Program (MVP) and the UK Biobank (UKBB) – A CHARGE consortium pilot study Nataraja Sarma Vaitinadin
Metabolomic Associations with Lung Function Indices and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Multi-ancestral Populations Yura Lee
DNA methylation variation in hematopoietic stem cells and other blood cells may impact platelet function Jillian Teichman
Circulating Immune Cells are Associated with Brain MRI Measurements in the Framingham Offspring Yumeng Cao
The Influence of Vitamin D on Memory Recall and Word Intrusion: Variations Across Ethnic and Income Groups. NHANES 2011-2014 Study. Juan C Lopez-Alvarenga
Immune Cell Phenotypes and Inflammatory Proteins are Associated with Future DNA Methylation Measures of Healthy Biological Aging: Framingham Heart Study Offspring Cohort Lia Rotti
Leveraging the Genetics of Dietary Intake to Achieve Precision Nutrition Kristen J Sutton
Obesity Genetic Risk Scores and Weight Loss in Participants from the Daily Caloric Restriction versus Intermittent Fasting Trial (DRIFT) Emily Yeo
Dissecting ancestry-aware molecular causal paths of type 2 diabetes Satoshi Yoshiji
Association of Polygenic Risk Scores with Aortic Valve Calcium: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) Seamus Whelton
Genetics and Context for Precision Health in Greater Boston Satoshi Koyama
Poster Reception 6:00 - 8:00 Silverton Ballroom (2nd Floor)
Peruse posters while enjoying hors d'oeuvres. A no-host bar will be available to purchase beverages.
Friday, May 24
Congress Session Crystal Ballroom (3rd Floor)
Session 3 Moderators: Ye Yan (NHLBI) and Vasan Ramachandran (University of Texas Health Sciences Center, San Antonio)
8:30 – 8:55 Trans-Omic Analyses in Heart Failure Matthew Taylor (University of Colorado Anschutz)
8:55 – 9:20 How natural selection shapes what we find in GWAS Jonathan Pritchard (Stanford University)
9:20 – 9:45 The role of sex in the genetics and genomics of complex traits in humans Barbara Stranger (Northwestern University)
9:45 – 10:00 Contemporary Polygenic Scores of Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Coronary Artery Disease Predict Coronary Atherosclerosis in Adolescents and Young Adults Themistocles Assimes (Stanford University)
10:00 – 10:10 Tiger Awards Ceremony Presented by Josh Bis and Alanna Morrison on behalf of the CHARGE Research Steering Committee
10:10 – 10:30 Refreshment Break 3rd Floor Foyer
Session 4 Moderators: Joanne Cole (University of Colorado Anschutz) and Fernando Rivadeneira (Erasmus Medical Center)
10:30 – 10:55 Advancing data-driven biology to unravel complex disease mechanisms Arjun Krishnan (University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus)
10:55 – 11:20 How should we visualize heterogeneity in meta-analyses? Have your say! Ken Rice (University of Washington)
11:20 – 11:35 AladynIndividual: Capturing Individual Informed Latent Disease Trajectories across time and genomic profiles Sarah Urbut (Mass General)
11:35 – 11:50 Evaluating off-target drug effects seen in RCTs using proteomics and Mendelian randomization Jennifer A Brody (University of Washington)
11:50 – 12:00 Closing remarks Leslie Lange (University of Colorado Anschutz)
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Cripple Creek Ballroom (2nd Floor)
Workshop: 1:00 - 3:30, Crystal Ballroom (3rd Floor) Open to all registered attendees.
Genomic research in the All of Us Researcher Workbench
Led by: Mary Davis (Brigham Young University) and Megan He (Vanderbilt University Medical Center)
A 2.5 hour session delving into how to utilize genomic data within the All of Us Researcher Workbench. Attendees will be able to actively learn through presenter led hands on activities.
This workshop will be most beneficial to data scientists, bioinformaticians, health services researchers, epidemiologists, and genomics researchers at the introductory or intermediate level. It is recommended that attendees have basic familiarity with using R and/or Python programming languages and a working knowledge of basic genetic association study concepts and prior experience running a genetic association analysis. It is recommended that attendees bring a laptop and register with the All of Us Research Program (https://www.researchallofus.org/register/) prior to the start of the workshop to participate in all activities.
Welcome and overview of All of Us Mary Davis (Brigham Young University)
Genomic research in the All of Us Researcher Workbench Mary Davis (Brigham Young University) & Megan He (Vanderbilt University Medical Center)
Hands-on PheTK Demo Tam Tran (Denny Lab)
Example: working through hypertension drug effectiveness Slavi Goleva (Denny Lab)
All of Us Workshop and Workbench Details
Wednesday afternoon, May 22
Insights from the NIH All of Us Research Program - A Comprehensive Journey through Emerging Scientific Findings, Cross-Cohort Analyses, and Genomic Discovery
Genomic and other data are broadly available in the cloud-based platform, the All of Us Researcher Workbench. Here, researchers have discovered >275M previously unreported genetic variants, identified from data shared by nearly 250,000 All of Us participants. This extensive dataset, enriched with non-European genetic ancestry, opens new avenues for understanding genetic influences on health. Join us to delve into the emerging scientific impact and cross-cohort analyses.
This workshop is open to all registered attendees. 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.
Led by: Josh Denny, All of Us CEO
Josh Denny (All of Us Research, NIH) - Overview of All of Us
Jacob Keaton (Denny Lab) - BP PRS in All of Us
Peter Sauer (Denny Lab) - Clopidogrel & CYP2C19
Henry Taylor (Collins lab) - T2D and OmicsPred PheWAS
Ariel Williams (Denny Lab) - APOL1 risk variants in All of Us
Chenjie Zeng (Denny Lab) - Rare variants/PheRS
Mary Davis (Brigham Young University) - Multiple Sclerosis
Friday afternoon, May 24
Genomic research in the All of Us Researcher Workbench
Join us for a 2.5 hour session delving into how to utilize genomic data within the All of Us Researcher Workbench. Attendees will be able to actively learn through presenter led hands on activities.
This workshop will be most beneficial to data scientists, bioinformaticians, health services researchers, epidemiologists, and genomics researchers at the introductory or intermediate level. It is recommended that attendees have basic familiarity with using R and/or Python programming languages and a working knowledge of basic genetic association study concepts and prior experience running a genetic association analysis. It is recommended that attendees bring a laptop and register with the All of Us Research Program (https://www.researchallofus.org/register/) prior to the start of the workshop to participate in all activities.
This workshop is open to all registered attendees. Tentatively set to run from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm.
Led by: Mary Davis, PhD Associate Professor, Brigham Young University and Megan He, PhD Scientific Research Project Manager, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Mary Davis (Brigham Young University) & Megan He (Vanderbilt University Medical Center) – Genomic research in the All of Us Researcher Workbench
Tam Tran (Denny Lab) - Hands-on PheTK Demo
Slavi Goleva (Denny Lab) - Example: working through hypertension drug effectiveness
Discount Hotel Parking and Airport Transportation
Day-of Parking
Day valet reduced rate is $15. To receive the special rate, please request a parking coupon at the conference registration desk.
Airport Transportation
Denver Airport → Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Hotel Options: (Rome2Rio)
Ground Transportation Options at Denver Airport
Light Rail to Downtown Union Station: The A Line provides travelers easy service from the airport to downtown Denver
Ride App Services: Ride shares can be accessed on Island 5 of either side of the terminal (East or West)
Taxi Services: Rates as well as a list of taxi cabs operating at the Denver Airport
Embassy Suites Denver Downtown Reservations
1420 Stout Street, Denver, CO 80202
tel: +1.303.592.1000
We ask that you support CHARGE by staying at the conference hotel. Our meeting space pricing is based on attendees booking with the Embassy Suites.
Conference Registration
Meeting Registration is managed by the University of Washington conference services.
Full conference registration: $500 April 27 and after
One-day registration: $300 April 27 and after
Registration includes lunch, snacks, and coffee on the selected day(s) and Thursday evening’s poster reception.
Conference & Working Group Agendas Hotel Layout

Local Attractions
Urban sophistication meets outdoor adventure in Denver. Get acquainted with The Mile High City, including history, transportation and neighborhood guides. Welcome to Denver where 300 days of sunshine, a thriving cultural scene, diverse neighborhoods and natural beauty combine for the world's most spectacular playground.
Eater Restaurant Guide: The 38 Essential Restaurants in Denver
Arts and Music:
Denver Center for the Performing Arts
Everything from musicals to immersive experiences - May Performances and Tickets
Denver Arts Festival, May 25 & 26
Only in Denver the Denver Area:
Catch a Colorado Rockies baseball game vs. the Philadelphia Phillies at 7:10 pm, Friday, May 24: Tickets
Meow Wolf Denver: Convergence Station
Created by over 350 local and international artists, Convergence Station features four floors of Meow Wolf's most epic art to date, an interactive performance and event venue, and an unforgettable story of multiversal travel through alien worlds. [Often sells out in advance]
Union Station and Surrounding Area
Nice restaurants and shops
Save the Date
CHARGE Rotterdam October 15 - 17, 2024
Respiratory Illnesses
The safety of CHARGE attendees is our top priority.
Please stay home if you are ill.
Masks are optional, and we continue to welcome and encourage masks as an important tool against respiratory illness.